Plate Heatmap

This plot is intended to be a nicely spaced heatmap specifically for showing trends over sample plates. Definitions for colors are optional and will be used to outline their respective coordinates.

An example for this plot type is executed in the workflow at plate-heatmap-example.

Example Data

This is an alternate example from the workflow to show how to deal with multiple label colors.

1 A 205  
2 A 103 POS CTRL
3 A 125 NEG CTRL

Usage to Add

$ fqc add --x-value WELL_COL --y-value WELL_ROW \
      --value TOTAL_PAIRED_READS --label LABEL \
      --colors 'NEG CTRL:#1f77b4,POS CTRL:#d62728' \
      plot_data/2016/160912_M03018/config.json \
      'Abundance by Plate' \
      plateheatmap \

Plot Options

Option Value
filename supports either a single file path or list of lists with [plot tab name, file path] pairs (see Plot Tabs)
tab_name left main menu entry
status left main menu icon – supports ‘pass’, ‘fail’, ‘warn’, or alternatively, omitted (see Tab Status)
chart_properties See table below

Chart Properties

Option Value
type the required entry is ‘plateheatmap’
subtitle an optional subtitle for the plot
x_label x-axis label
x_value the header label defined in filename corresponding to x-values
y_label y-axis label
y_value the header label defined in filename corresponding to y-values
colors comma separated list of label (in your data):color value pairs, e.g. ‘NEG CTRL:#1f77b4,POS CTRL:#d62728’

Example JSON entry:

    "filename": "160912_plate_1.csv",
    "tab_name": "Abundance by Plate",
    "chart_properties": {
        "type": "plateheatmap",
        "x_value": "WELL_COL",
        "x_label": "WELL_COL",
        "y_value": ["WELL_ROW"],
        "y_label": "WELL_ROW",
        "value": "TOTAL_PAIRED_READS",
        "label": "LABEL",
        "colors": {
            "POS CTRL": "#d62728",
            "NEG CTRL": "#1f77b4"