
A heatmap is generated using tile quality data from FastQC, but a custom one can be generated using data with an x, a y, and value associated with the coordinate.

Example Data

Tile Base Mean
1101 1 0.4305
1101 2 0.1525
1101 3 0.0202

Usage to Add

Tile example data from FastQC can be added manually using:

$ fqc add --x-value Barcode --y-value Count --min-value -10 --max-value 10 \
      plot_data/2016/160912_M03018/config.json \
      "Barcode Counts" \
      bar \

Plot Options

Option Value
filename supports either a single file path or list of lists with [plot tab name, file path] pairs (see Plot Tabs)
tab_name left main menu entry
status left main menu icon – supports ‘pass’, ‘fail’, ‘warn’, or alternatively, omitted (see Tab Status)
chart_properties See table below

Chart Properties

Option Value
type the required entry is ‘heatmap’
subtitle an optional subtitle for the plot
x_label x-axis label
x_value the header label defined in filename corresponding to x-values
y_label y-axis label
y_value the header label defined in filename corresponding to y-values
value the header label defined in filename corresponding to heatmap values
min_color the minimum color used in the heatmap color map
mid_color the middle color used in the heatmap color map
max_color the maximum color used in the heatmap color map
min the minimum value defined for the heatmap color map
max the maximum value defined for the heatmap color map

Example JSON entry:

    "filename": "R1/Per_tile_sequence_quality.csv",
    "tab_name": "Quality by Tile",
    "status": "pass",
    "chart_properties": {
        "type": "heatmap",
        "subtitle": "Per Tile Average Quality Deviation",
        "x_label": "Position",
        "x_value": "Base",
        "y_label": "Tile",
        "y_value": "Tile",
        "shape": "square",
        "value": "Mean",
        "min": "-10",
        "max": "10",
        "min_color": "#36c",
        "mid_color": "#ffffff",
        "max_color": "#dc3912"