
Example Data

Quality Count
18 1.0
19 14.0
20 46.0
21 111.0
22 141.0

Usage to Add

Given quality data across read positions, we can add this plot using:

$ fqc add --x-value Barcode --y-value Count \
      plot_data/2016/160912_M03018/config.json \
      "Barcode Counts" \
      bar \

Plot Options

Option Value
filename supports either a single file path or list of lists with [plot tab name, file path] pairs (see Plot Tabs)
tab_name left main menu entry
status left main menu icon – supports ‘pass’, ‘fail’, ‘warn’, or alternatively, omitted (see Tab Status)
chart_properties See table below

Chart Properties

Option Value
type the required entry is ‘bar’
subtitle an optional subtitle for the plot
x_label x-axis label
x_value the header label defined in filename corresponding to x-values
y_label y-axis label
y_value the header label defined in filename corresponding to y-values

Example JSON entry:

    "filename": "simple_line.csv",
    "tab_name": "Quality by Position",
    "chart_properties": {
        "type": "line",
        "x_value": "Quality",
        "x_label": "Quality",
        "y_value": ["Count"],
        "y_label": "Count"

Multi-line Plots

When multiple y-values are being plotted:

Base G A T C
1 45.96 51.62 1.38 1.04
2 0.8999999999999999 7.26 1.5 90.34
3 8.14 79.12 11.72 1.02
4 1.1199999999999999 5.1 4.5 89.28
5 1.82 1.0999999999999999 1.32 95.76

These data are added by specifying -y multiple times:

$ fqc add -x Base -X Position \
      -y G -y A -y C -y T \
      -Y Percent \
      plot_data/2016/160912_M03018/config.json \
      "Content by Position" \
      line \

Example JSON entry:

    "filename": "multiple_line.csv",
    "tab_name": "Content by Position",
    "chart_properties": {
        "type": "line",
        "x_label": "Position",
        "x_value": "Base",
        "y_label": "Percent",
        "y_value": [